
How to hack some hardware

How to hack some hardware

So you've hacked apart some hardware, now what? Last week you had to get the AVR dude back in line. He just wasn't letting you upload to your Ardu...

Help...I can't upload!

Help...I can't upload!

What to do when you can't upload your sketch to the Arduino.  Some easy to try tips and tricks await you in this post on what you can do to banish the dreaded AVRDude error code!

So What Is Arduino Exactly?

So What Is Arduino Exactly?

What is Arduino? Today we answer this question and so much more!

What can you do with Arduino?

What can you do with Arduino?

What CAN'T You do with Arduino, is easier to answer than what CAN you do with it. In this blog post I'll give you a very clear way to know instantly if Arduino is the right choice for you!

Dr.Duino’s Stem Class- Controlling 90 LED’s via Bluetooth!

Dr.Duino’s Stem Class- Controlling 90 LED’s via Bluetooth!

STEM is to Engineering as “the force” is to a Jedi. From a very young age I knew I wanted to be an engineer. I was fortunate to have my very own p...